Divided Allegiance

Adapted from: Divided Allegiances by Dr. Sam Holm

Embracing Unity Through the Cross

You might wonder why unity is so important in the church.

In a world filled with division, the Apostle Paul’s message to the Corinthians is more relevant than ever. In his letter, Paul addresses the church's internal conflicts and points them to the ultimate solution: the cross of Christ. Just like the playful debate over Oreos—whether you prefer the cookie or the cream—our differences can sometimes lead to unnecessary divisions. But Paul’s message is clear: unity in Christ transcends all our differences.

The Main Point: Cross-Focused Humility

Paul’s appeal to the Corinthians is simple yet profound: be united in Christ. He emphasizes that our allegiance should not be to human leaders or worldly wisdom but to Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on the cross. This cross-focused humility is the key to overcoming divisions and fostering unity within the church.

Why Should You Care?

You might be wondering, "What’s in it for me?" Unity in the church is not just a lofty ideal; it has practical benefits for your spiritual growth and community life. When we focus on the cross, we are reminded of our own brokenness and the grace that God extends to us. This perspective fosters humility, reduces conflicts, and strengthens our collective witness to the world.

What Can You Do?

1. Reflect on Your Calling: Take a moment to consider who you are apart from Christ. Recognize that without His sacrifice, we are all lost and broken. This reflection can help you approach others with humility and grace.
2. Focus on the Cross: Make it a daily habit to meditate on the significance of the cross. Whether through prayer, reading Scripture, or listening to worship music, let the message of the cross shape your thoughts and actions.

3. Promote Unity: In your interactions with others, especially within the church, strive to promote unity. Avoid getting caught up in debates over secondary issues and focus on what unites us—our faith in Jesus Christ.

4. Share the Good News: Just as Paul preached Christ crucified, make it a point to share the gospel with those around you. Let them know that God loves them and has made a way for them through Jesus.

Why Should You Do It?

By focusing on the cross and promoting unity, you not only grow in your own faith but also contribute to a stronger, more vibrant church community. This unity is a powerful testimony to the world of God’s love and grace.

Making It Memorable

To make this message stick, remember the Oreo analogy. Just as the cookie and cream are different but come together to make something delicious, our differences can come together in Christ to create a beautiful, unified body of believers.


The point is clear: Jesus wants us to be united in Him. What will you do this week to foster unity in your church and community? Will you focus on the cross and let it shape your interactions with others?