Living by Love

Adapted from: Living by Love by Dr. Sam Holm

How Knowledge and Love Shape Our Actions

Have you ever wondered how your actions impact those around you? You might think that what you know is enough to guide your decisions, but there's more to it. In a world where knowledge is often celebrated, it's easy to forget that love is what truly builds up. The Apostle Paul, in his letter to the Corinthians, reminds us that while knowledge can puff us up, love is what truly edifies and strengthens our community. So, how do we balance what we know with how we love? Let's explore this together.

In 1 Corinthians 8, Paul addresses a seemingly ancient issue—eating food offered to idols. While this might not be a common concern today, the principle behind it is timeless. Paul teaches that knowledge without love can lead to self-exaltation, while love without knowledge can be self-restricting. The key is to combine knowledge with love, leading to self-denial for the sake of others. This is not just about what we know but how we use that knowledge to love and serve those around us.

Knowledge Without Love: A Cautionary Tale

Paul warns that knowledge alone can make us arrogant. It's easy to feel superior when we know something others don't. But this kind of knowledge can become a stumbling block for others. Imagine a friend who struggles with a past addiction. You might know that having a drink is within your rights, but love would lead you to abstain in their presence to avoid causing them to stumble. This is the essence of living by love—choosing to put others' needs above our own rights.

Love Without Knowledge: Understanding the Balance

On the flip side, love without knowledge can lead to unnecessary restrictions. Some might avoid certain actions out of fear or misunderstanding. Paul encourages us to educate ourselves and others, so we can live in the freedom Christ offers. However, this freedom should never come at the expense of another's well-being. It's about finding the balance where love guides our knowledge, ensuring our actions build up rather than tear down.

Knowledge with Love: The Path to Self-Denial

When knowledge and love work together, we find the strength to deny ourselves for the benefit of others. This is the heart of Christian living. It's not about insisting on our rights but about considering how our actions affect those around us. Whether it's choosing not to watch a certain movie with a friend who finds it troubling or refraining from political debates that could harm relationships, love calls us to be mindful of others.

Practical Applications

1. Alcohol Consumption: While the Bible does not prohibit drinking alcohol, it warns against drunkenness. If you have friends who struggle with alcohol, consider abstaining in their presence. This act of love can prevent them from stumbling and shows that you prioritize their well-being over your freedom.

2. Media Choices: The media we consume can affect others. If you know someone who is sensitive to certain types of content, choose to watch or listen to something else when you're with them. This small act of self-denial can make a big difference in their comfort and spiritual growth.

3. Political Discussions: In today's polarized climate, political discussions can easily become divisive. Approach these conversations with humility and love, focusing on understanding rather than winning an argument. This approach can preserve relationships and demonstrate Christ-like love.

4. Everyday Decisions: Consider the everyday choices you make and how they might impact those around you. Whether it's the language you use, the jokes you tell, or the way you spend your time, let love guide your actions.


Living by love means allowing it to guide our knowledge and actions. It's about putting others first and being willing to deny ourselves for their benefit. As you reflect on your life, consider the areas where you might be insisting on your rights without considering the impact on others. How can you show love by denying yourself for the sake of someone else? This week, take a moment to reflect on how you can live by love, allowing it to guide your knowledge and actions. By doing so, you'll not only build up those around you but also reflect the love of Christ in your life.