Posts with the tag “church-plant”
A - All to the Glory of God
by Tracy Hicks on December 4th, 2024
Your true identity is found in Christ, and it cannot be taken away. As you live for God's glory, you will find fulfillment and purpose beyond anything this world can offer. So, what will you do this week to live for the glory of God? How can you focus on others, be mindful of their consciences, and make disciples in your daily life?
By embracing these principles, you can experience a deeper, more meaningful life rooted in the unshakeable identity found in Jesus. As you do, you’ll not only transform your own life but also impact those around you, pointing them to the eternal hope and joy found in Christ. Read More
Concerning the Collection
by Tracy Hicks on November 20th, 2024
Giving is an integral part of the Christian life, not because God needs our money, but because He desires our hearts. It's an opportunity to participate in His work, to reflect His love, and to experience the joy of generosity. As we give, we align ourselves with God's purposes and discover the true meaning of abundance. So, let's embrace the joy of giving and allow it to transform our lives and the world around us. Read More
Jesus Rocks Europe
by Tracy Hicks on November 18th, 2024
The gospel is enough. It's enough to save you, heal you, and empower you to live a life that glorifies God. So, what will you do this week to embrace the power of the gospel in your life? Will you share it with someone who needs to hear it? Will you let it transform your heart and your home? Remember, without taking this step, you might miss out on the incredible life Jesus wants for you.
By embracing the gospel, you can experience its transformative power in your life and the lives of those around you. The gospel is enough to bring hope, healing, and salvation to all who believe. Let it guide you as you live out your faith, impacting your community and beyond. Read More