First McKinney Men's ministry is led by a team of experienced teachers who use a combination of lectures, discussion, and participation to help men better understand God's role for their lives.  Our Men's ministry is designed to equip all men, whether new to faith or a longtime disciple, in seeking a deeper understanding of God's Word.


Men's Groups

There are several opportunities for Bible study and training at one of our weekly groups. 

Monday Evening

 Begins Monday Night, January 6, 7:00-8:30 PM
Study  Genesis verse by verse.
Registration not required.
Room FLC 3114

Group will not meet on January 20, March 17, and April 21

Facilitated by Mark Schneider.  

Tuesday Evening

Begins Tuesday Night, January 7, 5:00-7:45 PM.
Discussion based study on individual Scripture passages.
Registration not required.
Room FLC 3114

Group will not meet on March 18

Facilitated by Roque Guerrero.  

Wednesday Evening

Meets in Room 1102, Wednesday Nights, 6:30 pm-7:45 pm
"Your Story Has a Villain" by Jonathan Pokluda, uncovers the tactics of Satan—his aim to isolate, discourage, and defeat you. Pokluda helps equips you with tools to overcome these battles, reminding you of the victory Jesus has already secured.

Thursday Evening

Begins Thursday Night, February 13, 7:30-9:00 PM
New City Catechism summarizes doctrine in the form of question and answer. Fully based on Scripture, these truths will equip you for missional living. Class meets online.

Facilitated by Eddie Anderson.