Jerry and Janice Byrd

Hungary Facts
Population: 9,672,000
Capital: Budpest
Official Religion: None
Language: Hungarian (Magyar)

The Byrd's story

Jerry and Janice Byrd have been members of First Baptist Church McKinney for forty-one years, not including the years Jerry spent growing up at First McKinney. They led evangelistic mission teams from churches all over the United States to six continents since 1973, in conjunction with World Evangelism Foundation, International Commission, and Texas Baptists. For the last twenty-five years, their ministry centered around Europe, leading to their founding of Hungary Missions in 2017. While Jerry died in 2024, Janice continues the mission in Hungary.

After decades of being under communist control, the lack of ethical guidance had left a spiritual and moral vacuum in the lives of young Hungarians. When the government allowed some of its public schools to become private schools, the Baptist Union of Hungary, which took over fifty schools, asked for English speakers from American Baptist churches to conduct summer English Bible camps as an enrichment to their new curriculum. Hungary Missions partners churches with individual Hungarian Baptist Churches for the purpose of evangelism.

Hungary Missions enlists teams from all across the US to go to Hungary in June and July. Since 2013 when we began the camps, First McKinney has sent multiple teams each year with over a hundred people from First McKinney alone having gone, including the youth. Not only have teams gone for the camps, but for direct, church-to-church evangelistic projects, one in conjunction with the Collin Baptist Association.

About Hungary

Hungary is a landlocked Central European country which shares borders with Austria on the northeast, Slovakia to the north, Ukraine on the northeast, Romania along the east to southeast, Serbia to the South, Croatia on the southwest, and Slovenia to the west southwest.

Just over 50% claim affiliation with some Christian denomination, and 46% are of some other religion. Since the fall of communism in 1990, more than 200 religious groups have been officially registered in the country. However nominal membership in a religious denomination, does not necessarily mean active participation or even active spiritual belief in that denomination or religion.