Shara Johnson

Sierra LeonFacts
Population: 8,298,000
Capital: Freetown
Official Religion: None
Language: Krio, Mende, Kuranko, Kono, Yalunka, Susu, Vai, Temne, Krim, Kisi, Bullom, Sherbo, Limba, English, Arabic

Shara's story

While on a trip to the United States in 2023, Shara became ill and died within a few weeks. Her unexpected and relatively sudden death shook her community in Sierra Leone. She is deeply missed, and though we grieve with hope, we do still grieve her absence.

Shara served in Sierra Leone, a country steeped in financial and religious poverty, alongside the local leaders of The 25 Project. The 25 Project is specifically focused on bringing hope and healing to orphaned and vulnerable children primarily through child sponsorship.

Shara was the Senior Director of Operations over 3 child sponsorship ministries in the communities of Waterloo and Tombo. While the priority is to share the love of Christ with as many children as possible through their sponsorship ministry, Shara sought out every opportunity to raise up local leaders who will serve and disciple the next generation. So far, 25 Project has been able to employ 4 former students who graduated out of the Waterloo sponsorship ministry and look forward to that number growing each year.

About Sierra Leon

Sierra Leone is a country in West Africa, on the Atlantic Ocean. It’s known for the white-sand beaches lining the Freetown Peninsula. It is bordered by Guinea on the northwest around to the west side, and Liberia on the south west.

Sierra Leone is one of the world’s poorest countries, ranking 180th out of 187 countries in the Human Development Index in 2011. Decades of economic decline and 11 years of armed conflict had dramatic consequences on the economy. More than 60% of the population lives on less than US$ 1.25 a day and the unemployment and illiteracy levels are high, particularly among youth.